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Tuesday 7 October 2014

Hari Raya Korban

SK Sungai Pinang invited me to the celebration they were having at their school to honor the holiday of Hari Raya Korban or "Sacrifice the Cow."  This was the only school in my cluster having such an event.  My teachers explained that they were having the event because of the nearby village.

Happy children gathered in the school hall.  Love the colorful holiday outfits.

These boys throwing me the peace sign.

Ladies preparing some spices.

Another team prepares the meat before cooking.

Before and ...

... after.  Almost ready to eat.

The cooking crew hard at work.  There are a lot of hungry mouths to feed.

Here's a hungry-looking guy.  Maznihan was helping skin five cows at 6am that morning.  He's taking a break from his hard work before chow time.

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